Re-Connecting … …
The issue of daily activities limitation which has been done so far to suppress transmission of the virus has changed several habitual patterns. Social patterns, economic patterns, cultural patterns, which then eventually create a new habit pattern.
Based on that, I think we need a re-connecting by looking “inward” and “outward”. Inward re-connecting means to look back at the situation in our home, and re-connecting to ourselves as a form of reflection. This can create various forms of psychological patterns of feeling. Physically, re-connecting into the house reviews our importance when we are in inside the house, as a structure of the home and family.
Then after inward re-connecting we need to balance it by doing outward re-connecting by making many adjustments, many things must be accustomed to a state of normalcy.
The point of all this re-connecting is as an effort to reconnect to a normality that was mutually agreed upon. And ultimately re-connecting helps us to adapt.
writen by Insan Kamil
translation by Anjar Gumilar